Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Lul Aden

Boy,waiting for a school bus
i remmber when i was in High school i used wake up early in the morring and my bus stop was far from my house and i have to walk there to catch my bus.Even though if ist snowing because my mom you used wake me up so this poem related to my life backing in my high school and when i read i realize my life when i was in high school. and i like the poem and its a lot of metaphore and i like the language and how they are explain and its really meaning ful.
The poem is
"frozen down.A scattering of snow"
spits a boy raw welcome,
waiting for a bus basid the road.


ikran suleiman said...

hey lulu Im agree with your idea and its remaind my farshmen year in my high school Bus

Emily said...

hi Lul, i liked this poem also and i remember waiting for the school bus in the snowy weather.